Scrolling social media, one is not expected to stumble across light-hearted narrations of gruesome tales of hamsters deaths, or any animal. Picture: dep377/Pixabay
: prejudice or discrimination based on species
~ Merriam-Webster
Are all animals equal?
No species is better than another; there is no hierarchy that classifies particular animals inferior to others … Therefore, zero relatability towards the famous line from George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’:
“All animals are equal. Some are just more equal than others.”
Scrolling social media, one is not expected to stumble across light-hearted narrations of gruesome tales of hamsters deaths, or any animal.
A tweep commented on the bizarre deaths of hamsters. The replies confirmed that his statement was, in fact, a legitimate one.
The twitter thread in question:
Never in my life heard a story about a hamster dying peacefully. It’s always some crazy shit.
— Sue Sylvester apologist (@jaxajueny) May 24, 2021
The replies of this tweet depicts:
my mother bathed mine & put it under direct sunlight to dry off....
— ⚔️𝖜🗡 (@ovowendyyy) May 25, 2021
My ex bsf's hamster died during peekaboo with her sisters, her sister shouted too loud and it kind of squealed and died 🥴
— Molly Grace (@Molly_Grace_16) May 24, 2021
Brutality (read: Animal Abuse)
my gf’s dad threw hers across the room when he was mad at her and it died instantly
— sam 🦧 (@shostacowbitch) June 4, 2021
Various similar tweets exist. The deeper you delve, the darker it becomes.
Finding joy in the relatability of this grotesque occurrence is a common reaction to the stories of horrifying deaths. The deaths are a direct result of human interference.
Why, then, if all animals are equal, is it amusing when hamsters die usual mortifying deaths? Should it not, for instance, rather trigger a panic attack or emotional trauma in the case of younger ones?
The replies portray speciesism itself at its core. Consider this: would these users find it amusing had it been a traditional pet like a dog or cat? This is but a rodent after all, amirite?
This Tweet, along with other social media posts, highlights the lack of knowledge in hamster care, such as with this one on Facebook.
On Reddit alone, you need not add the words “insane” or “bizarre”, because speaking of the morbid deaths are the most popular results, showing up on the first page after typing merely two words: hamster and die/death.
Not only is this prevalent on social networks, but also on other forms of online publications such as blogs and humour-centred websites.
A viral TikTok video is the subject of this piece.
@semmilie_x I‘m bored so #hamster #fyfy #viral ♬ Fallen Down - 3000m
Now, a series of questions surface:
Why is this prevalent? Is it a pet store’s responsibility to have their workers be knowledgeable on the basics of all pets? Is it their duty to inform every buyer of basic hamster care – and all exotic animals for that matter?
The answer is complicated. First, it is practically impossible to know every pet kind’s basic care needs, never mind the various kinds of each. Second, the workers are essentially sales people and cashiers. You need not be qualified in animal studies to work at a pet store.
On the other hand, the case becomes more complicated when it comes to exotic animals. To avoid instances similar to the subject matter here, it seems almost inconceivable that companies in this industry do not offer basic care tips for exotic animals – like the hamster – that require special care.
To conclude, a solution may be the utilisation of information pamphlets kept at the check point for buyers to grab. This scraps the idea of having workers become knowledgeable on each animal in their store(s), also rejecting the burden of business owners employing qualified persons only (for economic reasons).
To avoid being equated to the “negligent gang”, do the necessary research on hamster care, specifically yours ie the kind you possess.
Caring for Hamsters
Hamsters are not the easiest animals to care for from the onset. Throughout, you may learn social traits that are exclusive unique to your furry friend.
By the classification of “exotic animal” alone, it is evident that they may require special care as opposed to traditional pets. This also means that finding professional aid nearby could be tricky.
A common misconception is that hamsters are “starter” pets; this stems from their size.With this comes the innocent mistake of gifting them to children to keep as pets.
Proof from the aforementioned tweet that young children should not have hamsters as pets:
my hamsters had babies and the mother just formed its offspring in a line one day and straight up decapitated them. i was 8. my dad gave the parents to one of his friends because that shit made me need therapy.☠️☠️
— L'alessa (@alessamontoyas) May 25, 2021
My hamster Peachy died in her sleep at the ripe old age of 3
— e-Girl Baby Mama Pre (@Prefon_paine) May 25, 2021
But she also went crazy and ate 6 of her babies earlier that year so like
My hamster got anal cancer and expelled all of his organs out.
— Bon-Bon (@lolscrossley) May 24, 2021
I was like 7.
my time to shine — i had the cutest blk & white hamster tell me y there was a wooden slab in my house propped up against the couch and my 7 yr old ass was like omg this makes a perfect slide!!! so i slid my hamster down and he made it but i slid down too and STEPPED ON HIM ahsjhs
— Adrian (@adr1anr0d) May 24, 2021
Care Tips: The Fundamentals
Living conditions
Hamsters need to live in a cage that securely surrounds it with zero way for them to escape the enclosure (to avoid the whole “bizarre death” thingy).
Select a cage that is spacious enough for the hamster to move around freely – this will make their playtime much more exciting. Tunnelling and burrowing are activities hamsters enjoy.
Make sure to clean their space regularly (minimum bi-weekly).This includes water and food containers, toys, and bedding.
Hamsters primarily feast on seeds and fresh vegetables/fruits.
Alternatively, food for hamsters are available at pet stores as a mixed package. This mix contains all the nutrients they need.
Do research as some fruit and vegetable are harmful to hamsters in the long run, health-wise.
Refrain from using a flashlight when capturing images. It may terrify them and result in a fatality.
Hamsters are mostly solitary and territorial animals, hence should not be paired.
Important: Always keep an eye on your hamster when you let it roam outside their enclosures as failure to do so may prove to be fatal. Supervision is a requirement when your hamster is not in its cage.
Always keep a close eye on your hamster when outside of their enclosures. Their solo journey may very well be their last.
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