Overweight and obese pets have become a ‘major’ issue in the veterinary industry over the past years and continues to be a growing concern all over the world. Picture: Pexels/Arina Krasnikova
October is Pet Obesity Awareness Month. Overweight and obese pets have become a “major” issue in the veterinary industry over the past years and continues to be a growing concern all over the world.
“Unfortunately, 90% of pet parents with an overweight pet don’t even realise it. As pets gradually put on weight, it is usually only when someone points it out that pet parents realise,” says Marycke Ackhurst, pet behaviour expert from Hill’s Pet Nutrition.
Ackhurst says that the concept of ‘ditching the food bowl’ can help pets lose weight and keep in shape. She says by incorporating games such as hide and seek where the pet parent hides the food in different locations and your pet needs to find it, helps to burn energy.
“Remember to start on an easy level and then increase the level of difficulty as your pet grasps the concept. If you move too fast, your pet may get frustrated and give up,” advises Ackhurst.
Below, she provides some other ways to help your pet reach and maintain their ideal weight.
Your vet can advise you as to the right food that you should be feeding your pet, whether it be to lose weight or help maintain their weight if they are prone to putting it on. You can also check your pet’s body condition score on a regular basis and adjust feeding accordingly.
Accept the feeding amounts on the pet food packaging as a guideline only. Each pet is different, and therefore, their food allowance may differ. Lifestyle, age, health and whether they have been spayed or neutered all play a role in the amount of food your pet should be consuming.
Daily activity is important - whether it be taking your dog for a walk around the neighbourhood, to the park or even playing in the garden. If you are a cat parent using boxes, a pet tunnel, a tickler, a cat tree, or even a scrunched up piece of paper are all activities your cat will love. This quality time is beneficial for you and your pet.
Keep a check on treats – extra treats and human food can quickly result in additional calories and kilos. If you want to treat your pet, think of alternatives rather than food, such as a new toy and more cuddles.
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