Shouting at your children, it scares them and makes them feel insecure. Pic: Google Image Search defines shouting/yelling as to call or cry out loudly and vigorously. But why do we shout? Most people shout because it is their coping mechanism when they are angry. When your children don’t listen or when the play becomes wild, parents scream and shout, and we feel guilty afterwards. Kiddy’s chart provides some useful tips below:
What are the effects of persistent shouting on children?
1. Self-confidence. children who are constantly shouted at rarely see themselves as worthy individuals. Their perception of themselves is of insignificant being that lacks the ability to impact his/her society.
2. Fear. Many children who are shouted at become fearful. This timidity can cause children to struggle with developing friendships.
3. Aggression. Children who have been shouted at consistently reach the age of 4 or 5, displaying aggressive behaviour. They will act out, sometimes even invade personal space, pushing, hitting and biting.
4. Concentration problems. Lack of concentration is one of the results of emotional abuse. Children who have learnt to “tune out” shouting do so to temporarily defend themselves against the verbal assault.
What can we do to reduce shouting?
If you do shout …
Shout out about your love to them instead …
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