
City faces R100 million repair bill for sinkholes

Rapula Moatshe|Published

A sinkhole, located on the outskirts of Laudium, is one of the 53 sinkholes that are still to be repaired in the City of Tshwane’s region 4. SUPPLIED


The City of Tshwane, facing a massive repair bill of over R100 million to fix widespread sinkholes, particularly in Region 4, is pinning its hopes on the National Disaster Management Centre.

The City is seeking a declaration of the sinkholes as a national disaster, which would unlock vital financial assistance and additional resources to aid in the crisis.

Municipal spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said a report has been submitted to the National Disaster Management Centre for consideration.

According to him, if the report is approved, the city can expect to receive support in the form of financial aid and additional resources to help mitigate the sinkhole crisis.

The decision follows a recent sinkhole incident in Laudium, which led to the closure of 2nd Avenue between 5th Avenue, pushing the total number of sinkholes in Region 4 to at least 53.

Ward 61 Councillor Naeem Patel said the recent sinkhole, located on the outskirts of Laudium is not disrupting daily life or affecting local residents.

He said he has lost track of the numerous sinkholes in his ward, citing an example in Valhalla that has remained unrepaired for 10 or 11 years.

As far as he knew, the city's capacity to repair sinkholes is limited to approximately three per year due to the exorbitant costs involved, with each repair potentially running into millions.

“Remember that it is a process to fix a sinkhole. For example, right now we can’t bring in the heavy machinery just yet. First, the ground needs to settle and dry out completely,” he said.

Mashigo said: “It is suspected that the ongoing sewer blockages and overflow have caused the sinkhole. Site securing and services diversion solutions are ongoing at the site. The sinkhole needs to stabilise.”

In December last year, Tshwane Mayor Nasiphi Moya told a gathering of residents at Centurion Council Chamber that the City has allocated R14.7 million to address the sinkhole issue.

She also acknowledged that this budget falls short of what's needed to tackle the estimated 50 sinkholes identified.

Asked about the estimated total cost to repair sinkholes permanently, Mashigo said: “It is difficult to provide an estimated total cost but it will likely be over R100 million.

Regarding the average time and cost required to fix a single sinkhole, he said: “It depends on the extent and depth of the sinkhole in the affected area as well as the complexity of repairs, which varies greatly. The average repair period and cost may be nine months with cost potentially reaching R20 million.”

In 2013, residents of Burger Street in Lyttelton endured a frightening ordeal when a sinkhole suddenly formed, causing significant cracks in the walls of their homes.

According to the City, the sinkhole problem has been worsened by water leaks and faulty sewer systems, particularly in areas with dolomitic rock, which is prone to dissolution when it comes into contact with water.

In a dramatic incident last year, two homes on Clifton Avenue in Lyttelton Manor were evacuated by their owners after being partially consumed by a massive sinkhole.

The sinkhole, which initially appeared in 2019 near Unitas Hospital, remains cordoned off for traffic management. Investigations revealed that a water leak was the culprit behind the sinkhole, which measures approximately 20m long, 12m wide, and 8m deep.

Asked why the 2019 sinkhole remains unrepaired, Mashigo said: “The repair of the sinkhole is dependent on the availability of budget.”

There have also been concerns about sinkholes dating back more than 10 years that have yet to be repaired.

Mashigo said: “The repair of sinkholes is dependent on the availability of budget and sinkholes do occur continuously on a year on year basis.”