A screengrab of the advertisement on Gumtree's website. A screengrab of the advertisement on Gumtree's website.
Cape Town - A man in Cape Town’s Wynberg/Plumstead area who has found himself unexpectedly single and in possession of half a bed that he no longer wants.
For him, the obvious next step was to sell it on Gumtree.
Titled “1/2 of a bed: make me an offer”, the advert had been posted on Tuesday and by late yesterday, had been viewed 21 795 times. “I’m moving and selling my side of the bed. Well-used, but some of that egg-carton foam would probably fix it right up. My brand new ex-wife still owns the other side of the bed – but don’t worry, she doesn’t seem to mind sharing it with complete strangers (sic).”
The man in question could not be reached as his cellphone was switched off.
The Cape Times was unable to leave a message as the mailbox had been filled – it was unclear whether those messages had been left with offers to buy the partial bed.
The advert continued that a bonus to buying the half-bed was that it would be well-heated.
“This bed is always warm due to it never going more than a few hours without someone being in it! This comes in especially handy if you’re away working hard to make enough to cover the bond payments.”
The ex-husband wrote that it may be necessary to fight off other men who may claim rights to the bed.
“Apparently there’s been, like, three different guys that may be able to claim squatters’ rights on my side of the bed since they spent more time in it than I did. Not sure what the rules are on that.”
The advert concluded with the hopeful invitation for anyone interested to send an offer.
The Mercury