Raging Bull Awards 2025, here are the nominated funds

Staff Reporter|Published

Explore the nominated funds for the Raging Bull Awards 2025, recognising outstanding performance in the investment industry. File photo.






1nvest Global REIT Index Feeder Fund

1nvest S&P500 Index Feeder Fund

Abax Balanced Prescient Fund

Absa Sanlam Multi Managed Passive Accumulation Fund

Allan Gray-Orbis Global Balanced Feeder Fund

Amplify SCI Flexible Equity Fund

Amplify SCI Property Equity Fund

Anchor BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund

BCI Ranmore Global Equity Feeder Fund

BCI Value Fund

Blue Quadrant Worldwide Flexible Prescient Fund

Camissa Stable Fund

Coronation Global Managed [ZAR] Feeder Fund

Coronation Smaller Companies Fund

Fairtree ALBI Plus Prescient Fund

Fairtree BCI Income Plus Fund

Fairtree Select Equity Prescient Fund

Flagship IP Flexible Value Fund

Foord Equity Fund

Global Marathon IP Fund

Granate BCI Balanced Fund

Granate BCI Flexible Fund

H4 Worldwide Equity Fund

M&G Bond Fund

M&G Property Fund

Matrix SCI Stable Income Fund

Meago Enhanced Global Property Prescient Fund

Merchant West SCI Cautious Fund

MiPlan IP Global Macro Fund

Momentum International Income Fund

Nedgroup Investments Core Global Feeder Fund

Nedgroup Investments Entrepreneur Fund

Nedgroup Investments Global Flexible Feeder Fund

Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund

Nest Egg BCI Worldwide Equity Fund

Oakhaven Core Income FR Fund

Oasis Crescent International Property Equity Feeder Fund

Oyster Catcher Realfin Stable Fund

Perspective Balanced Prescient Fund

PortfolioMetrix BCI Dynamic Income Fund

PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Property Fund

Prescient Income Plus Fund

Sanlam Investment Management Bond Fund

Sanlam Investment Management Small Cap Fund

Sasfin BCI Horizon Multi Managed Accumulation Fund

Sterling Invest Alpha Worldwide Prescient Fund

Steyn Capital Equity Prescient Fund

Sygnia FANG.AI Equity Fund

Truffle SCI Income Plus Fund


Trophies for Risk-adjusted Performance

over Five Years to 31 December, 2024

(8 categories)


1nvest S&P500 Info Tech Index Feeder Fund

36ONE BCI Equity Fund

36ONE BCI SA Equity Fund

Amplify SCI Property Equity Fund

Bateleur Flexible Prescient Fund

Blue Quadrant Worldwide Flexible Prescient Fund

Global Marathon IP Fund

Harvard House BCI Property Fund

Investec BCI Dynamic Equity Fund

M&G Global Bond Feeder Fund

Marriott Global Income Fund

MiPlan IP Global Macro Fund

Nedgroup Investments Global Flexible Feeder Fund

PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Property Fund

PPS Managed Fund

PSG Global Equity Feeder Fund

Raven BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund

Red Oak BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund of Funds

Saffron BCI Active Bond Fund

Sygnia FANG.AI Equity Fund

Terebinth SCI Enhanced Income Fund

Truffle SCI Income Plus Fund

Visio BCI Actinio Fund


The awards for the winning funds plus the prestigious South African Manager of the Year award will be presented at a gala dinner for the investment industry at the Cape Town International Convention Centre on Monday, February 17, 2025. The names of the winning funds and management companies will be published on social media and online, and a full tabloid supplement covering the event will appear in Personal Finance on Saturday, February 22.