South African-American singer-songwriter Tshego and rapper Nadia Nakai. Picture: Instagram.
Rapper Nadia Nakai and her close friend and musician, Tshego, have linked up to create the “Nadia x Tshego” podcast.
The artists started off on a strong note with a conversation that grabbed the attention of fans.
They spoke about having friends with benefits and the boundaries that should be put in place.
Nakai said the reason for creating the podcast was so that men and women could understand each other better.
“How are women supposed to understand men if you don’t have a male bestie to ask questions and vice versa?
“We decided to film some of those conversations because we all go through the same s***. We kept it super honest, unfiltered and we might offend,” she said.
Tshego, who is in a polyamorous relationship, spoke candidly about having multiple friends with benefits.
“If we’re just f*** buddies, then you occupy very little space in my life … we’re not girlfriend and boyfriend, we’re dating around, it’s based on honesty and consent.
“In my experience, a lot of the females that I’m dealing with, don’t bother me. Do I have time to listen to everything from every women, unless I did something wrong, then I understand?
“In that gap of being f*** buddies, there’s only so much you can call me out for, because I am not your man, we’re just seeing each other.”
He also shared his opinion about how many women weren’t clear about their intentions.
“You guys bottle everything up and then just blow up all at once. We are very fact based; you guys are very emotional.”
Nakai said that if she had a friend with benefits, she would expect the friendship to remain the same after sexual encounters.
“We must still talk, still gossip. For me, if I’m having a sexual relationship with you, it’s cos I like you as a person. It must be a person I’d chat with normally, I’d gossip with, or whatever the case is.
“But now because we had sex, they then remove themselves of all those chats we use to have as friends, having fun, or just coming to the house and just chilling … It’s about being able to maintain some sort of friendship or relationship.
“Cos once it’s like, we f***ed and then you never spoke to me again until the next time you hit me up cos you wanna f*** again, you make me feel like a prostitute … like an Uber Eats delivery,” she said.
Watch the full podcast below.