Police Minister Bheki Cele defends senior managers.Image:Bongani Mbatha/African News Agency (ANA)
Police Minister Bheki Cele has come to the defence of officers in senior management of the SAPS without requisite qualifications.
Cele has placed the number of such officers at 18, out of 759 senior managers. Officers appointed to the SAPS’ senior management service (SMS) were required to possess at least a National Diploma, which is an NQF Level 6 qualification.
Replying to written questions in Parliament, Cele said there was no need to rectify the situation of the 18 academically unqualified senior managers because they performed their duties well.
The EFF’s Andries Shembeni asked Cele to disclose the number of police officers in senior management positions who did not have the necessary qualifications. He also wanted to know the steps that have been taken to rectify the situation.
Cele added in his reply that the 18 were appointed to the senior management positions after consideration of their experience, skills and other prior learning.
“A total of 18 police officers, who were appointed in the SAPS in SMS positions, out of 759 senior managers, do not have the NQF 6 qualification,” said Cele.
“All police officers, appointed in SMS positions, are subjected to a bi-annual performance assessment.
“The affected 18 police officers were placed in the positions they occupy with due consideration of their experience, skills and prior learning.
“(These) police officers all received at least a satisfactory performance assessment, in their most recent performance assessment, which therefore, does not require that any steps be taken to rectify the situation.”
Cele confirmed that an NQF Level 6 qualification was a minimum requirement for appointment into SAPS senior management positions.
“In terms of the SAPS Employment Regulations, 2018, the National Commissioner must determine the requirements for employment in any post, on the basis of the main objectives and inherent requirements of the job,”
“The generic appointment requirements for appointment to the Senior Management Service (SMS) is at least a National Diploma/Degree, which is accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) at Level 6 or higher level.”
It was common for police officers to obtain qualifications after joining the service. Captain Simangele Gxeyane, the 34-year-old station commander in Mehlomnyama, KwaZulu-Natal, made news last month after obtaining her Bachelor of Laws from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Gxeyane joined the SAPS at the tender age of 19. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in 2011 at age of 23 and an Honours in 2013.
She later returned to university and studied for the law degree that she obtained earlier last month. Commenting via UKZN’s media office, Gxeyane said: “I’m currently pursuing my Masters in Management since I am new in management and plan to register for a Masters of Business Law at UKZN.
“I won’t stop studying and always encourage young kids to make education fashionable.”